06-17-2016—Walstad Tank

Started Walstad tank a week ago with Egeria densa, Lilaeopsis brasiliensis, and Anubias sp.
Pothos and spider plant are in hanging baskets on top.
Used organic Miracle Gro and black aquarium sand for substrate.
Chem strip results: Nitrate (0), Nitrite (0), Total Hardness (300), Total Alkalinity (300), pH (8.4)
Walstad tank in glass jar

Today I removed the Egeria because it looked gross and mounted the Anubias to driftwood. 2 black mystery snails (Pomacea) were added 5 days ago.
Chem strip results: Nitrate (0), Nitrite (1.0), Total Hardness (150), Total Alkalinity (80), pH (7.2)
Changed out 10% of the water. Accidentally used drinking water w/ mineral additives. Hopefully this won't have ill effects.
Walstad tank in glass jar with driftwood half-submerged
Black mystery snail close-up