The two glass shrimp that were added disappeared by the next day. They were replaced by zebra nerite snail, which helps keep algae in check. A few weeks later, I was cleaning out the filter and saw a shrimp go down the drain. It was clear, not opaque, alive and eking out an existence in the filter chamber. Unfortunately no more. I moved the light farther away. Anubias leaves were being consumed by black algae. They looked horrible; I wish I had taken a photo. Once the lamp was moved, the algae disappeared within a few days. I've tried a few times to leave the filter off, but the water seems to get scummier. On the hunt for a cheap microscope, so I can view the water under magnification to compare filter and no filter. |
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis (micro sword) has seen better days. The rhizomes that root in the soil are green, but the unrooted blades are yellow. Looking at past photos, I can see that it's thinned significantly. Due to lower light levels maybe? |
Today, after water change, Bud had this alien-like parasite sticking out of his head. Turns out it's a normal appendage, called a siphon, for getting more oxygen. Sure enough he was rushing over to the filter outlet, where he sat with his antennae flowing in the current. A few minutes later the siphon had retracted, and he was on his way. |