06-24-2016—Walstad Tank

Walstad tank in glass jar
Driftwood in tank was getting moldy on the part sticking above water. Removed it and mounted Anubias on terra cotta shard. Doesn't look as good, but will be easier to keep clean. Pothos stem kept rotting, which was a surprise. Replaced it with more spider plant. Did 50% water change, and added filter. Water is still brown from tannins in wood.

Next day the snails were lying upside down on bottom. I threw away the smallest snail but left the biggest in the tank. Added more chelator. Came back and the snail was alive! Dug the second snail out of an empty yogurt container in garbage and returned it to tank. It also came back to life!

Update: 06-26-2016
Second snail died. Being garbage is bad for your health.